IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

The Socioeconomic and Psychological Effects of Khat Chewing Among Youth in Mogadishu Somalia



Author: Abdirahman Addow Adan, Atanga Desmond Funwie Paper Title: The Socioeconomic and Psychological
Effects of Khat Chewing Among Youth in Mogadishu Somalia.
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2024)3(10): pp 01-20. Vol. 003, Issue 010, 10-2024, pp. 001-020
Received: 02 10, 2024; Accepted: 02 11, 2024; Published: 04 11, 2024


The overall aim of this research was to assess the socioeconomic and psychological effects of khat chewing among youth in Mogadishu Somalia. The population of this study was 100 respondents targeting individuals and the sample size was calculated using Slovene’s formula which is 80 subjects. The researcher used a questionnaire tool as a collecting data the selecting of this tool has been guided by the nature of data to be collected. The majority of the respondents of the study found that showed answers indicated positive where questions asked had gained responses such as 41 (40.7%) majority of the subjects strongly agreed that the effect of Historically, the most commonly cited reason for the prevalence of khat chewing among youth. to find out factors that contribute to khat chewing among youths in Mogadishu, Somalia and the findings revealed positive meaning that 43(35.3%) majority of the respondents agreed that the revealed that youth from broken families have a high likelihood to participate in khat consumption. the findings shown positive meaning that majority of the respondents agreed the questions given to the respondents showing that 41 (40.7%) majority of the
subjects strongly agreed that the level of awareness of the effects of khat chewing on health among youth and therefore may role awareness in Mogadishu- Somalia while 16 (10.7%) minority strongly disagreed the idea. I suggest recommendation by study including: Unemployment and lack of recreational facilities have been identified as factors that are contributing to the rapid expansion in the use of khat. The creation of job opportunities for unemployed youth and opening of indoor and outdoor leisure facilities would be useful. the government and other stakeholders should educate the public on health effects of Khat. to engage with the individual and families to find alternative
economic livelihood strategies which will cut the market supply chain for Khat.

Keywords: Khad, socio-economic, psychosocial, chewing