- Call For Papers February 2025
- editor@iqresearchjournal.com
- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
- Google Scholar
Thesis Publication
Publish Your Thesis and Books with an ISBN
It is important for researchers, students, and others to have an original record of their research finding accessed globally. IQRJ offers thesis and books publication services to give authors a global platform to showcase their valuable work. Whether it is a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation, these are well-researched pieces of literature that are not widely accessible. But, with the help of IQRJ, the research and findings of the thesis will have worldwide visibility and can greatly contribute to their respective fields of creativity.
If you’re about to finish your Master’s or Ph.D. thesis or a book and want to give it a shape of an online book or a physical print, then opt for our thesis and books publication services and get your work recognized by one and all. Moreover, the author holds full ownership of the completed work and is entitled to sell or distribute copies of the book. We provide ISBN to all published thesis and books IQRJ / publication is open access, which means that your thesis is available to anyone in the world to download/read for free directly from the website. Your thesis/book will be accessible from Google Scholar and Google via Title/ author name etc. However, you may request your thesis and book to be removed from free availability before publication.
Send your original work (If you are taking any ref. or topics from other sources please don’t forget to mention source/ref. / author etc.); Our journal/publication is all published online as well as in print media and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.
So, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. If your article/work is published elsewhere then you have to send Permission / Consent or a Request letter to us for re-printing / publication. All papers may be published in the print edition and, in PDF and HTML format. All papers and contact details of corresponding authors are included in our press release service, which means that your work is drawn to the attention of all the main media organizations & targeted people groups in the world, who may choose to feature the work in newspaper and other media reports. Articles should have adequate Images, Tables, Designs, Methods, Procedures, Conclusions, etc. If English is not the first language of authors, they are advised to have their article edited by a native English speaker before submission. A submission that does not comply with our
requirements will be unsubmitted. Submissions must be supported by an ethical statement on behalf of all authors. This should be included in the submission covering letter with the corresponding author taking responsibility for having consulted with all the authors. If all or parts of previously published material are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to IQRJ. It is a condition of publication that authors grant; the exclusive license to publish all articles, including abstracts. Papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless the exclusive license to publish has been granted. If you require the return of any material submitted, please inform the IQRJ office as soon as possible before publication if you have not yet done so.
2021 – List of Thesis Publication (In Process)
Click here to check the list of Thesis Published in 2021.
Thesis Submission
Authors need to fill the online thesis submission form to get the Thesis ID, Then the author can directly mail it to thesis@iqresearchjournal.com, thesis
& photograph for thesis publication. All the authors need to specify Thesis Publication” in the subject line with thesis ID. Special cover pages for thesis and books request be made by email.
Thesis Publication Charges
Depending on your thesis size and other factors IQRJ Thesis Publication Team will provide you the estimate.
You can mail to finance@iqresearchjournal.com for any query related to thesis and books publication charges.
Digitally Signed E-Certificate
- IQRJ will provide Print and digitally signed e-certificate.
- Permanent online link will be provided for all future references.
- A dedicated web page is provided and it will contain the Author Bio-data with photograph and Thesis introduction and research details.
For certificate mail to thesis@iqresearchjournal.com