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- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
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The influence of climate change on sesame yield in Bal’ad Distract Middle Shabelle Somalia
- Authors: Ahmed Mohamed Farah*, Atanga Desmond Funwie
- Paper ID:IQRJ-23003005
- Volume :002
- Issue:03
- March 2023
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Ahmed Mohamed Farah*, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: The influence of climate change on sesame yield in Bal’ad Distract Middle Shabelle Somalia
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2023)2(3): pp 01-16. Vol. 002, Issue 03, 03-2023, pp. 0245-0261
Received: 01 03, 2023; Accepted: 23 03, 2023; Published: 30 03, 2023
Sesame seeds originated in India and neighboring countries. It is flowering plant in the
genus Sesame. This study was conducted to investigate “the influence of climate change
on sesame yield in Bal ‘ad distract middle Shebelle Somalia, the specific objects were:
To determine the influence of high temperature on sesame yield in Bal ‘ad distract middle Shebelle Somalia To investigate the influence of drought on sesame yield in Bal ‘ad distract middle Shebelle Somalia. To identify the influence of water logging on sesame yield in Bal‘ad Distract Middle Shebelle Somalia, The target population for this study was 60 respondents and the sample size was 52 respondents from the target population. The sampling procedure was probability sampling particularly sample random. Questionnaire was used as a research instrument and collect primary data. Data analysis was done by using statistical package for social science techniques (SPSS version 20.). result: Regarding the reporting of the effect of high temperature on sesame plant growth the result showed that 41.5% of the respondents were said to disagree and 37.7% were said strongly disagree .Regarding .the Effect of high temperature in the seed set of sesame plant result showed that 41.6% of the respondents were said neutral, 37.8% of the respondents were said disagreed. Finely regarding the Effect of high temperature on sesame production in terms of seed quality the result showed that 54% of the respondents were said to disagree.
Recommendation: The researcher suggests the farmers of Bal ‘ad distract middle Shabelle Somalia must know the seasons of Rainfall to increase the growing sesame. And Farmers must of the changes in climate because climate is dynamic.