Study Of Antenatal Care Services Barriers Among Pregnant Women In Kahda District, Mogadishu Somalia
- Authors: Abdikadir Muhumed Nour, Atanga Desmond Funwie, Tchifam Berthe, Kelly Kesten Manyi Nkeh, Olivier Pancha Mbouemboue, Djibrilla Yaouba.
- Paper ID:IQRJ-23003009
- Volume :002
- Issue:03
- March 2023
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Abdikadir Muhumed Nour, Atanga Desmond Funwie, Tchifam Berthe, Kelly Kesten Manyi Nkeh, Olivier Pancha Mbouemboue, Djibrilla Yaouba.
Paper Title: Study Of Antenatal Care Services Barriers Among Pregnant Women In Kahda District, Mogadishu Somalia
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2023)2(3): pp 01-18. Vol. 002, Issue 03 03-2023, pp. 0330-0348
Received: 05 03, 2023; Accepted: 23 03, 2023; Published: 30 03, 2023
The best way to reduce maternal mortality is through antenatal care, which also provides pregnant women with useful information about their birth and how to avoid associated complications. This makes antenatal care the most crucial strategy for spotting pregnancy concerns in the early stages of pregnancy. Antenatal care’s greatest benefit is its ability to safeguard the health of pregnant mothers and their unborn children while also alerting doctors to potential danger signs that need further attention from experienced medical personnel. The main objectives of our study were about the following: To determine the availability of antenatal care services in Kahda District. To assess the knowledge level of women about Antenatal Services in Kahda district. To determine the acceptability of antenatal care services in Kahda District. To identify the demographic, social and cultural factors that may contribute to low utilization of Antenatal Services in Kahda district. This study was a cross-sectional, descriptive study design the primary center of this study was a quantitative approach aimed at the factors influencing barriers of Antenatal Care services among pregnant
women in Kahda district M/,m Mogadishu Somali. The sample size was 53
respondents. Although the study was carried out in Kahda district of Mogadishu, there is a need for further research across the other districts of the nation. There were less health centers in kahda district so it needed to increase antenatal health services to cover the pregnant population’s needs.
This study analyzes the study of antenatal services barrier among pregnant
women in kahda district, Mogadishu Somalia. Accordingly, the study found that the majority of percipients were aged under 30 years old and there can write and read since most of them have reached primary level. Most pregnant women are not used to attending Antenatal care clinics because they need to take permission or negotiate with family members such as their husband mother etc