IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Role Of Computed Tomography In The Evaluation Of Renal Masses Mogadishu Somalia



Authors: Abdisalam Abdisuldan, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: Role Of Computed Tomography In The Evaluation Of Renal Masses Mogadishu Somalia

IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(2): pp 01-011. Vol. 001, Issue 002, 02-2022, pp. 0604-0615

Received: 26 02, 2022; Accepted: 26 02, 2022; Published: 27 02, 2022


Renal masses are commonly found on abdominal CT scans. It is estimated that 50% of adults older than 50 years have at least one cystic or solid renal mass [O’Connor SD, Pickhardt PJ. Most renal masses are detected incidentally, and their management is controversial. It has a population around 27000 with nearly 60% being in the range 0-18 years.In this study, probability sampling procedure was use particularly simple random sampling was use to select the sample. The study used a population that constitutes 50 staffs from wadajir district specially Banaadir hospital Mogadishu Somalia. the researcher was request the respondents of the questionnaire to respond questions fairly and not to leave unanswered questions, After that the data was collect, organize,
summarize, statistically treated and drafted in tables using the excel and manual.
The majority as mother have you child been immunized 80% of the respondents was said yes and 20% of the respondents were said no. The majority of response is there any Somalia national standard diagnosis renal mass 50%said yes while 50% are said no.
The highest number of the respondents character pain renal mass 15(30%) were colic pain, 18(36%) respondents were abdominal pain, respondent were loin pain 10(20%) and respondents were all above 7(14%). Most respondents by level of renal mass effect side 34 by (68%) were intrarenal mass, 8 by (16%) were postrenal, 6 by ( 12%) were per renal, and 2 by(4)% were all above Most of respondent investigation renal mass 21 by (42%) were Ultrasonography and 17 by (34%) ware Magnetic resonce imaging while 12 by (24%) ware Computer tomography. Recommendation: During counseling of patients with a solid or Bosniak 3/4 complex cystic renal mass, physicians must review the most common and serious urologic and non-urologic morbidities of each treatment pathway and the importance of patient age, comorbidities/frailty, and life expectancy.