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Police Intelligence
- Authors: Isse Ahmed Hassan, Atanga Desmond Funwie
- Paper ID:IQRJ-23001005
- Volume :002
- Issue:01
- January 2023
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Isse Ahmed Hassan, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: Police Intelligence
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2023)2(1): pp 01-06. Vol. 002, Issue 01, 01-2023, pp. 0036-0042
Received: 20 11, 2022; Accepted: 25 01, 2023; Published: 30 01, 2023
From information to intelligence. Before we can properly discuss and explore information, intelligence and analysis in theoretical and practical terms, we need to have some common understanding of what these terms mean. Some definitions of these three key terms are as follows: Information: Knowledge in raw form Intelligence:
Information that is capable of being understood
– Information with added value
– Information that has been evaluated in context to its source and reliability Analysis (of
either information or intelligence)
– The resolving or separating of a thing into its component parts
– Ascertainment of those parts
– The tracing of things to their source to discover the general principles behind them
– A table or statement of the results of this process Understanding properly the difference between these terms and how they interact is important, however, even at this early stage, these definitions point to key differences. Information is quite