- Call For Papers February 2025
- editor@iqresearchjournal.com
- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
- Google Scholar
L’eau et la femme dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun : enjeux vitaux et problématique d’insertion socioprofessionnelle
- Authors: FADIMATOU Nassourou Wadjiri, ELOUNDOU Jules André, DOMO SIRA Adolphe
- Paper ID:IQRJ-24008009
- Volume :003
- Issue:008
- August 2024
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: FADIMATOU Nassourou Wadjiri, ELOUNDOU Jules André, DOMO SIRA Adolphe. Paper Title: L’eau et la
femme dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun : enjeux vitaux et problématique d’insertion
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2024)3(8): pp 01-18. Vol. 003, Issue 008, 08-2024, pp. 001-018
Received: 19 08, 2024; Accepted: 08 09, 2024; Published: 10 09, 2024
The issue of water and the status of women are emerging as one of the main concerns of
the 21st century. Based on the influence of water-related constraints, women have
historically remained confined to their role as homemakers. Thus, these two notions are
at the heart of this article. It is from this observation that we question the education,
socio-professional integration, empowerment, and emancipation of women in the
Extreme North region under the effect of various contrasts. We focus on various approaches aimed at explaining this situation through written sources and oral data based on field surveys. After an exploration of the causes and problems related to water access, which helps us understand the dynamics women face, these issues are perpetuated and reinforced by the constraints linked to the abundance of water supply on the one hand, and on the other hand, by the scarcity of this resource, which is the main cause. This article therefore allows for a reconsideration of the social realities (education, training and socio-professional integration, entrepreneurship, and empowerment) of women and the necessary strategies for easier and more secure access to water for women.
Keywords: Water, access to water, water chore, women, education.