IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Facteurs Explicatifs De L’automédication Chez Les Femmes Enceintes Fréquentant Le CSI De Godola.



Authors: GARAM Gérard Gérard. Paper Title: Facteurs explicatifs de l’automédication chez les femmes enceintes fréquentant le CSI de Godola
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2024)3(4): pp 01-10. Vol. 003, Issue 11, 11-2024, pp. 001-010
Received: 02 11, 2024; Accepted: 02 12, 2024; Published: 04 12, 2024


Introduction: Self-medication is the use, outside medical prescription, by people for themselves or for their loved ones and on their own initiative, of medications. Thus, the standards would require the opposite of a prescription from the health professional before taking anything. However, this standard is no longer followed at all by the populations. The WHO estimates that 80% of the world’s population (which exceeds seven billion inhabitants) uses traditional and modern medicine to meet their primary health care needs without a prescription. In Cameroon, self-medication is the first reflex in the event of illness. If self-medication of the population is a real health problem, what attracts the most attention is that of pregnant women. The observation made in the Godola CSI is therefore what is the
subject of this study. It was a question of searching for the different factors at the origin of self-medication by pregnant women. Materials and Methodology: The study is of a quantitative cross-sectional type, with the target population being pregnant women in the Godola health area. The non-probabilistic method of reasoned choice was used to select the sample. Any patient meeting our inclusion criteria was taken into account. To obtain results, a questionnaire was sent to 92 pregnant women from the Godola CSI. This sample size was obtained from the Depelteau table taking into account the annual target for women of childbearing age in this health area. The data collected was entered and processed with the computer tool using software such as: Microsoft Word for data entry; The Kobo-collection app for the survey; Excel and Epi Info for calculations and data analyses; and ballpoint pens and pencil for writing the work manuscript.

Results: As a reminder, 92 pregnant women represented the surveyed population. The administered questionnaire is based on the description of the sociodemographic characteristics of the study population; the identification of socio-economic and institutional factors (waiting time) and the level of knowledge of pregnant women on the possibilities of self medication. It appears precisely that 53.26% of respondents are relatively young (25 and 34 years old) and therefore 74 or 74.19% resort to self-medication.32 or 80% of women with primary education declared having resorted to self-medication. 77 (100%) of housewives declared having resorted to selfmedication; 78 (100%) of those with a daily income of less than 500 declared having resorted to self-medication; 75 (90.36%) of
respondents who were unaware of the dangers of self-medication declared having resorted to it. Conclusion: In short, it is fair to say that this study made it possible to highlight several factors at the origin of self-medication among pregnant women at the Godola CSI. These factors are firstly socio-demographic with the variables age, level of education, and parity; then come both economic and cultural factors, and finally the low level of knowledge of the respondents on the dangers linked to self-medication.

Keywords : Keywords : accouchement ; déterminant-accouchement à domicile- accouchement assisté Identity