IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Déterminants Du Fort Taux D’accouchement A Domicile Dans L’aire De Sante De Mangave Dalil.



Authors: GARAM Gérard Gérard. Paper Title: Déterminants du Fort taux D’accouchement à Domicile dans l’aire de Sante de Mangave Dalil
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)3(11): pp 01-13. Vol. 003, Issue 11, 11-2024, pp. 001-013
Received: 02 11, 2024; Accepted: 02 12, 2024; Published: 04 12, 2024


Introduction: Childbirth is the set of phenomena which result in the exit of the fetus and its appendages from the maternal genital tract, from the moment when the pregnancy has reached the theoretical term of six months (28
weeks of amenorrhea). Home birth refers to any birth process that occurs in the mother’s home or any other home, whether the birth is attended by qualified or unqualified health personnel, or whether it was simply not assisted (Alain TNG, 2015). We were therefore interested in researching the determinants behind the high rate of unassisted births in the Mangavé Dalil health area. Materials and Methodology: The study was part of a quantitative case-control approach with a 1:3 ratio. A questionnaire was administered to 102 women including 28 cases (unassisted births) and 74 controls (assisted births). This size was calculated from the Lorentz formula. Tools such as SPSS; Excell and Word allowed us to base data, analyze and write

Results: This study reveals several determinants at the origin of unassisted births in the Mangavé Dalil health area, notably age; the level of education; culture and distance and the institutional aspect. As an illustration, with regard to the age variable, out of all the respondents, almost all, i.e., 81.08%, aged over 40 years have an unassisted birth with P-Value (0.0012) < 0 .05. The majority of under-educated women have unassisted childbirth with a frequency of 62.22%. It also appears that the majority of respondents who are of Muslim religion have more unassisted deliveries, i.e. 65.00% with P-Value < 0.05. The majority of respondents, i.e., 69.35%, who say they are further from the FOSA have had unassisted births and the vast majority (62.50%) of respondents who do not regularly follow ANC during their pregnancy have had unassisted births. assisted. Conclusion: This work has made it possible to identify scientifically that health practices and therapeutic choices are a function of various factors and must therefore not be approached solely in terms of geographic and economic

Keywords : Keywords : accouchement ; déterminant-accouchement à domicile- accouchement