IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Communication Dynamics in Conflict Resolution



Authors: Numfor Thaddeus Tanifum1 and Sundjo Fabien1, 2. Paper Title: Communication Dynamics in Conflict Resolution

IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2024)3(12): pp 01-12. Vol. 003, Issue 012, 12-2024, pp. 001-012
Received: 02 12, 2024; Accepted: 02 01, 2025; Published: 04 01, 2025


Communication dynamics in conflict resolution emphasize the importance of transparent and respectful communication to navigate conflicts, reach mutually agreeable solutions and maintain positive relationships throughout the resolution
process. The main objective of this paper was to evaluate the intricate ways in which communication influences the resolution process. The specific objectives were to a) identify the causes of conflicts, b) evaluate how ineffective communication results in violent conflict c) implement effective communication skills which are fundamental to
successful conflict resolution. To achieve these objectives, use was made of the desk research design. The findings suggested that causes of conflicts are categorized under three main groups namely, political, identity and economic conflicts. It was also found out that language barriers, the lack of clarity of the roles, expectations of the employees, low morals of employees and unresolved conflicts result to escalation and violent conflicts. Summarily, respect, grace, empathy and active listening are central components for effective communication for conflict resolution. As recommendation, we suggested that effective mechanisms should be put in place that can hinder the occurrence, escalation and violence of conflicts. Efforts should also be made at all levels by mediators so that all unresolved conflicts should find a solution to avoid it escalates or becomes violent.

Keyword: Communication Dynamics, Conflict Resolution, Navigate Conflicts, Effective Communication Skills.