- Call For Papers January 2025
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- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
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The Role Of Globalization In Educational Development In Mogadishu, Somalia (Case Study).
- Authors Mohamud Ibrahim Abdi, Atanga Desmond Funwie.
- Paper ID:IQRJ-23002005
- Volume :002
- Issue:006
- February 2023
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors Mohamud Ibrahim Abdi, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: The Role Of Globalization In Educational Development In Mogadishu, Somalia (Case Study).
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2023)2(2): pp 01-07. Vol. 002, Issue 02, 02-2023, pp. 0034-0041
Received: 20 12, 2022; Accepted: 20 02, 2023; Published: 28 02, 2023
Globalization plays a big role in transforming the education sector and it ensures education service is easily accessible to all people and learners. In Somalia, through partnering with outside universities local universities and colleges started providing skillful online courses for local citizens without traveling outside the country which can financially impede learners. Globalization has a lot of meaning; many institutions now include the term „global‟ in their mission statement; most aspire to prepare „globally competent graduates‟. For some, the term „globalization‟ and „internationalization‟ are interchangeable. Yet, globalization is a term that is not well defined, with different meanings and different groups, and globalization is a term that is value-laden and controversial. Modern technology realizes the information revolution and the information age that allows an increasing amount of people to travel easily and quickly. Other elements such as: community, tribes, nations and peoples always interact with a man traveling and living abroad is more standard than an exception among students nowadays. With the flow of people, it flows also new ideas, concepts, ideologies and views. Through school and educational background, the public gets the media, arts, and new views. However, only by travelling and living abroad allows individuals to get the experience of things that we hear about in the classroom and on television. Travelling outside of one’s national border can allow the anthropologist who left comfort in the armchair to investigate the real world and acquire knowledge and experience. Currently, individuals have the opportunity to be an anthropologist and to do their own studies; this can be done by the elimination of borders when people from all countries could move easily. In many ways, this flow of people, products, information is the principle of globalization. So, globalization influences all domains of life such as economy, education, culture and society (the economist, 2000). The objective of this study was to investigate the differential effectiveness of teaching methodology on students’ academic performance. A sample of 250 university students from different Departments was
used for the study. Using the inferential statistics course, students’ assessment test scores were derived from the internal class test prepared by the lecturer. The differential effectiveness of the three teaching mthods on student academic performance was analyzed. The results indicated significant differences on the effectiveness of the three teaching methods. The mean scores results demonstrate that teacher-student interactive method was the most effective teaching method, followed by student-centered method while the teacher-centered approach was the least effective teaching method.
The objective of this study was to investigate the differential effectiveness of teaching methodology on
students’ academic performance. A sample of 250 university students from different Departments was used for the study. Using the inferential statistics course, students’ assessment test scores were derived from the internal class test prepared by the lecturer. The differential effectiveness of the three teaching methods on student academic performance was analyzed. The results indicated significant differences on the effectiveness of the three teaching methods. The mean scores results demonstrate that teacher-student interactive method was the most effective teaching method, followed by student-centered method while the teacher-centered approach was the least effectiveteaching method.