IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

The Prevalence And Pattern Of Visual Impairment And Blinderss Among Primary And Secondary Pupils Schhool In Mogadishu, Somalia



Authors Name: Dr Abdulkadir Omar Mohamud (A.O Mohamud), Dr Atanga D. Funwie (Atanga D. F.)Paper Title The Prevalence
And Pattern Of Visual Impairment And Blinderss Among Primary And Secondary Pupils Schhool In Mogadishu, Somalia

IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(1): pp 01-18. Vol. 001, Issue 001, 01-2022, pp. 0457-0475
Received: 01 12, 2021; Accepted: 20 01, 2022; Published: 27 01, 2022


The aim The aim of this study is to The prevalence and pattern of visual impairment and blindness among primary and secondary schools pupils in Mogadishu, Somalia In order to do that , the researcher focuses the major responsibilities of the people living in Mogadishu, Somalia. there are some particular the impact of dust from the blackboard causes the eye allergy. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was 80 from which a sample of 66 respondents was drawn. The sample The accessible population will be four secondary schools including 15 Doctors ,
10 minister of education , 10 minister of Health and 30 pupils with in the schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. the mainly used is to collect focus information questionnaire was suitable instrument. Major of findings there were: the study found that showed answers agree of the respondent that related The relation between blackboard dust and pupils eye allergy , that are consist of four part of that the prevalence and pattern of visual impairment and blindness among primary and secondary schools pupils on question of objective one ( 91.0%) which indicate good impact , the questions about objective two (55.4%) , while thirdly while the causes of visual impairment and blindness on average (88.6% %), and also factors associated with visual impairment and blindness among primary and secondary school pupils on averages (79.5%). my further suggest recommendation by study including: to make general awareness of sanitation of the pupils specially eye sanitation and prevention of the dust from the black board to increase high sanitation of the primary and secondary schools .