The Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Towards Infection Control Among Health Care Provider At Benadir & Osman Fiqi Hospitals In Somalia
- Authors: Mohamed Bashir Mohamed, Atanga Desmond Funwie.
- Paper ID:IQRJ-2203004
- Volume :001
- Issue:004
- March 2022
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Mohamed Bashir Mohamed, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: The Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Towards Infection Control Among Health Care Provider At Benadir & Osman Fiqi Hospitals In Somalia
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(3): pp 01-08. Vol. 001, Issue 003, 03-2022, pp. 0994-01002
Received: 10 03, 2022; Accepted: 12 03, 2022; Published: 27 03, 2022
The titles of this study was focused on the knowledge, attitude and practice towards
infection control among health care provider at Benadir & Osman Fiqi hospitals in
Somalia. The general estimate found that more than 2.5 million HAI cases occur in
developed and developing countries each year, with about 90% of infections occurring
in a resource-limited environment. Specific objectives were: To find out knowledge
towards infection control among health care provider at Benadir & Osman Fiqi
hospitals in Somalia, To identify attitude towards infection control among health care
provider & To determine practice towards infection control among health care provider.
The study used cross-sectional as research design, while the population of the study
was health care provider who were working at Benadir & Fiqi Hospital. Sample size was
70, sampling technique used purposive which mainly focused judgmental selection of
the participants, Questionnaire & checklist was used as primary data collection tool
while Satirical packages for Social Science (SPSS version 20.0) used as data analyzer tool which used quantitative research as major software. Socio-demographic factors related infection control among health care provider like age gender and their educational level shows that most of the study respondents who work were male in age above 43 years and according knowledge towards infection control among health care provider the most of participants were said that they didn’t have awareness of HCAIs in the hospital and remaining were replied that they did.
1. Researcher should recommend increasing awareness of this disease much more among health workers in order to maximize for the knowledge about HCAIs.
2. Researcher Should recommend In order to eradicate the overcrowd of any environmental obstacles facing and can help the spread of HCAIs among population.