- Call For Papers January 2025
- editor@iqresearchjournal.com
- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
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The Causes of Students Failure in the secondary certificate examination in Banadir Region, Mogadishu- Somalia
- Author(s):Mohamed Dirie Elmi
- Paper ID:IQRJ-2201022
- Volume :001
- Issue:001
- January 2022
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors Name: Mohamed Dirie Elmi.Paper Title The Causes of Students Failure in the secondary certificate examination inĀ Banadir Region, Mogadishu-Somalia
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(1): pp 01-12. Vol. 001, Issue 001, 01-2022, pp. 0313-0325
Received: 01 12, 2021; Accepted: 20 01, 2022; Published: 27 01, 2022
The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2021) states that algebra is a gateway to high school graduation and college success. While existing research emphasizes the importance of quality algebra instruction, the current body of research on algebra problem-analysis for struggling secondary students is small. This paper proposes a problem-solving model to help support those students struggling with algebra. The model integrates the recommendations from math policy boards and research. It is composed of five core sections, each section focusing on a specific critical component
of school algebra. The study examines the relationship between the five skills within the model to an established measure of algebra, as well as the validity of the measures being used to assess the different skill areas The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between the five sections of the model and algebra proficiency, and that the model is able to identify non-proficiency students with a high degree of