IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Positive Effects Of Digital Transformation In SMEs In Cameroon



Authors: Javnyuy Joybert, Atanga D. Funwie. Paper Title: Positive Effects Of Digital Transformation In SMEs In Cameroon
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(2): pp 01-14. Vol. 001, Issue 002, 02-2022, pp. 0887-0901
Received: 26 02, 2022; Accepted: 26 02, 2022; Published: 27 02, 2022


Due to globalisation, businesses are changing their business models so as to reach more customers and gain a competitive advantage. This cannot be possible without the growing Digital transformation. It is for this reason that this paper sought to investigate the positive effects of digital transformation in Small and Medium size enterprises (SMEs). The primary focus of this paper were to critically examine what digital transformation is all about, to outline the commonly used digital transformation Technologies in SMEs in Cameroon and to find out how digital transformation is creating and capturing value for SMEs and their surrounding environment. This paper however concludes that digital transformation plays are vital role in the growth of SMEs in their attempt to give and capture value to and from customers respectively.