IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Mother’s Knowledge On The Prevention Of Home Accidents In Children Aged 0-5. Maroua, North Cameroon



Authors: Tchifam Berthe 1, Nguikouo Tamou Carine 1, Baba Batoure 2, Atanga Desmond Funwie 2. Paper Title: Mother’s
Knowledge On The Prevention Of Home Accidents In Children Aged 0-5. Maroua, North Cameroon
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j.(2023)2(4): pp 01-09. Vol. 002, Issue 04 04-2023, pp. 0422-0431


Reaching the end of our reflection, where we had as a theme “assessment of mothers’ knowledge on the preven-tion of domestic accidents: the case of the” WHO (World Health Organization),” defines an accident as “an event beyond the control caused by a rapidly acting external force and which manifests itself in bodily and/or mental harm. We can define do-mestic accidents as accidents that occur in homes. In view of this definition, the problem is as follows: how to evaluate the knowledge of mothers on the prevention of domestic accidents in children from 0 to 5 years old? Because the problems that arise here are: the problem of the insufficient knowledge of the mothers on the domestic accidents of children from 0 to 5 years. And the problem of insufficient knowledge among mothers on the prevention of domestic accidents in children from 0 to 5 years old. To remedy this problem, we will use prevention strategies. To answer the
problem, we did a non-probabilistic quantitative study. Out of 150 respondents, 100, or 67%, are male. Of the 150 respondents, 130, or 87% of mothers, had knowledge of domestic accidents. Out of all the respondents, 90, or 18%, knew how to protect sockets; only 20, or 4%, of mothers watched children when they played; and 100, or 20%, put medicines within reach of children It was a question of evaluating the knowledge of mothers on the prevention of domestic accidents in children from 0 to 5 years old. It appears from this survey that although mothers have knowledge about domestic accidents, they do not have sufficient knowledge to prevent them. From this conclusion, we have offered many more suggestions to moms and dads, such as: watching over the children and securing the yard of the house when doing housework; helping the mothers in the supervision of the children by looking for nannies who will be there permanently with the children while the mothers are busy with household chores.