IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Health Impact Of Gender-Based Violence & Its Association Factors Among Female Victim In Mudug Region Puntland Somalia



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Authors: Saido Abdi Osman, Tchifam Berthe, Atanga Desmond Funwie, Akah Roland Tiagha. Paper Title:
Health Impact Of Gender-Based Violence & Its Association Factors Among Female Victim In Mudug Region Puntland Somalia .IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(9): pp 01-11. Vol. 001, Issue 009, 09-2022, pp. 01814-01825


Introduction: Gender-based violence is defined as violence that is directed against a person based on their gender or sex, including acts that inflict physical, mental, or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion, and other deprivations of liberty. It includes physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned within the family, the general community or by the State and its institutions. Such violence can take many forms: Violence against women is the most pervasive yet least recognized human rights violation in the world.
It also is a profound health problem, sapping women’s energy, compromising their physical health, and eroding their self-esteem. In addition to causing injury, violence increases women’s long-term risk of several other health problems, including chronic pain, physical disability, drug and alcohol abuse, and depression. Objectives: The overall objective of the study was to examine the health impact of gender-based violence as well as associated factors among female victims in Mudug Puntland Somalia. Method and material: This study was carried out by using institutional and community-based Cross-sectional study design to find enough cases during the short period of data collection as well as local consideration due to most GBV victims are not deer to use available health facilities fearing social labels and information disclosure. The populations which were studied are women and girls living in selected Six districts in the Mudug region including Galkayo, Galdogob, Jariban, Ba’adwayn, and Harford. In the study single population proportion formula was used to find out the total sample size to interview.

Conclusion and Recommendation: The prevalence of gender-based violence found in this study is Forty-two 128(47%) percentage and all respondents experienced at least one type of health effect of Gender-based violence. The illiterate level of women, as well as their parents and husband, also is considerably high. There is economic hardship due to a lack of work opportunities in study subjects which enable them to be exposed to gender-based violence. Raising community awareness on gender-based violence and its types which always occur in the community should be carried out to enable the community to be familiar with it. Women should be able to attend schools and formal education as well as there should be a supporting system for market opportunities.