Factors Contributing To Prevalence Of Covid-19 Among People Living In Mogadishu City, Somalia
- Authors: Alas Hassan Mohamed, Atanga Desmond Funwie.
- Paper ID:IQRJ-2203005
- Volume :001
- Issue:005
- March 2022
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Alas Hassan Mohamed, Atanga Desmond Funwie. Paper Title: Factors Contributing To Prevalence Of Covid-19 Among People Living In Mogadishu City, Somalia
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(3): pp 01-16. Vol. 001, Issue 003, 03-2022, pp. 01003-01019
Received: 10 03, 2022; Accepted: 12 03, 2022; Published: 27 03, 2022
Background – Coronavirus disease, simply known as the COVID-19 is a pandemic disease which has changed life across the world (Michael Pritsch et al, 2021). Despite the fragile and weak health system in the country, Somalia has struggled to control and effectively respond to COVID-19 outbreak on its own. Since the first laboratory confirmed case reported on 16 March, cases have been reported and confirmed in remote areas, confirming that the virus is circulating widely in the whole country. Therefore, immediate and purposeful action to save lives and livelihoods should be place. extending the social awareness and protection towards universal health coverage and income support for those most affected are necessary and that is the reason research is carried out.
Objective – The main objective of the research was to find out the factors contributing
to Corona virus (COVID-19) incidence among living in Mogadishu, Somalia.
Methodology – The study design will be observational – descriptive cross sectional study design. A structured questionnaire will be used for collecting the primary data from the target respondents. The target population of the research was the residents of
Mogadishu city. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used for selecting
the study sample from the target population. A sample of 150 respondents were
questioned for collecting the primary data of the research.
Findings – The research findings reported that all respondents are always attending at
public gathering such as markets, mosques. Respondent’s knowledge on covid was
quite good but not sufficient for covid prevention and control. The respondent’s
adherence to preventive measures against covid-19 was as supposed indicating that 67% of them use public vehicles for transportation which is another challenge for
limiting the spread of the disease. Only 33% of respondents always use facemasks,
while 80% of the respondents always wash their hands. Another alarming point is that
40% of respondents confirmed they greet other people by handshake which may
further circulate the corona virus in the community.