IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Evaluation Of Rapid Screening Tests For Viral Hepatitis C Marketed In Cameroon: Case Of Sangmélima (South Cameroon)



Authors: Mvogo Guy.D, Ayiwouo jules B, Ndjengue Nson Louis S, Sah Victorien, Bouassa Natacha, Ndombi Dede Daniella, Juliette Atatama, Luthi Alexandra, Voubou Anselme, Njoya M Seidou, Atangana Bertin M. Paper Title: Evaluation of rapid screening tests for viral hepatitis C marketed in Cameroon: Case of Sangmélima (South Cameroon)

IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(7): pp 01-16. Vol. 001, Issue 007, 07-2022, pp. 01721-01737

Received: 20 07, 2022; Accepted: 28 07, 2022; Published: 30 07, 2022


In Cameroon, according to our research, there are about ten brands of RDTs marketed. Some brands of RDTs are more common in some areas than others. Do all these marketed tests have proven effectiveness? Does it offer sufficient sensitivity to be used as a screening test? In a bid to address these concerns we conducted an evaluative study to determine the sensitivity and specificity of two tests marketed and used in Sangmélima, a town in the Southern region of Cameroon. The rapid tests
ONE STEP RAPID TEST (HIGHTOP©) and HVC Rapid Test (JUSCHECK©) were evaluated using the HCV AB ELISA TEST KIT (HIGHTOP©), considered as standard. The serum of 81 patients made it possible to calculate the sensitivity, the specificity, the positive predictive value (PPV) and negative (NPV) of the two tests. The score of the operationality criteria made it possible to know whether the tests were appropriate. The ONE STEP RAPID TEST (HIGHOP©) showed sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV
equal to 91.67%, 97.10%, 98.53% and 84.62% respectively. The HCV Rapid Test (JUSCHECK©) presented a sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV respectively equal to 100%, 91.30%, 100% and 66.67%. Although in our study only the HVC Rapid Test (JUSCHECK©) had a sensitivity greater than 99%, the HVC Rapid Test (JUSCHECK©) and ONE STEP RAPID TEST (HIGHOP©) are, according to the criteria of operationality, respectively very appropriate and appropriate tests for the screening of viral
hepatitis C.