Etude Des Connaissances, Attitudes Et Pratiques Des Femmes Vis-A-Vis Du Cancer Du Sein Dans Le District De Sante De Tokombere
- Authors: Ndom Ebène Christian david, Atanga D.Funwie, Sando zachary, Kidi Menta Marius, Ganava Maurice .
- Paper ID:IQRJ-2207004
- Volume :001
- Issue:007
- July 2022
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors: Ndom Ebène Christian david, Atanga D.Funwie, Sando zachary, Kidi Menta Marius, Ganava Maurice . Paper Title: Etude Des Connaissances, Attitudes Et Pratiques Des Femmes Vis-A-Vis Du Cancer Du Sein Dans Le District De Sante De Tokombere
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(7): pp 01-29. Vol. 001, Issue 007, 07-2022, pp. 01591-01620
Received: 18 07, 2022; Accepted: 22 07, 2022; Published: 30 07, 2022
Breast cancer is the first most common cancer in women worldwide, with global estimates one million new cases and nearly 584,000 cases in developed countries, the remainder in developing countries. Its prevalence is estimated at 29,4% . Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Cameroonian women. It is a preventable disease, it can be prevented through early detection AES, ECS regular mammography are effective methods for the control of breast cancer in countries with limited resources. However, the detection of suspicious signs requires knowledge of the disease end the general community, women in particular, can become aware and develop attitudes to act on modifiable factors, but also to practice cancer screening within regular way.The overall objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of women in the health district Tokombéré amongst breast cancer . Materials and MethodsWe conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study on a sample of 405 women during one month . Required permissions have been obtained from the chief medical officer of the district. The purpose and procedures of the study were explained to women, French and Foufouldé. We included in our study, all women aged 20-70 years who have given their informed consent. We excluded all patients or women with a history of breast cancer. Scripted questionnaire was used to collect data on demographics , reproductive history, prior knowledge about breast cancer , its causes , risk factors , prevention , attitudes and practices regarding disease . Participants were recruited in 40 districts Tokombéré. Based on knowledge, attitudes and practices of participating prior to the breast cancer, we had knowledge 2 groups : group good knowledge , bad knowledge group . The attitude 2 groups : group good attitude, bad attitude group . Practice 2 groups : group
practice positive , negative practice group. Women of good knowledge group were conscious and say that poor knowledge were called ignorant. The data entry was done with the CS PRO 4.0 then export to SPSS or has been analyzing data software. Proportions were compared using the chi – square test, differences were considered statistically significant if p was less than 0.05. ResultsThe knowledge on the breast cancer was poor, the attitude was good has the majority of the participants, consistent of a practice judged very weak. The results showed that on the 405 interrogated women, only 22.5% had a good previous knowledge on the breast cancer against 77.5% that had a bad knowledge and ill-informed. The ignorant women tended to be housewives with no level of instruction. The big majority of the women (60%) showed a good attitude opposite the breast cancer. Otherwise we noted a weak proportion on the knowledge
(22.5%) of the women, who also resulted in a weak proportion in practice (10%). Only a minority of which 16 on 405(3.5%) had undergone a preventive tracking test. The most common reasons by the absence of tracking were due to the lack of information, consistent by the conviction that they were in good health. The religion, the school level, the profession was statistically significant to the knowledge, attitude and the practice (P were less than 0.05). The gynéco- obstetric antecedent was statistically significant to the attitude (P were less than 0.05). Conclusion This study found that there was insufficient knowledge about breast cancer and malpractice screening of precancerous lesions of the breast in women who live Tokombéré. Attitude of women were usually very positive since most of of them showed a good attitude amongst this disease. this attitude , however, did not improve the practice and it could have been brought by the obstacles were lack of knowledge, perception of the disease.