- Call For Papers February 2025
- editor@iqresearchjournal.com
- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
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Estimating A Contribution Coefficient Factor On Land Parcel To Achieve The People’s Welfare And Equitable Reallocation Of Land: A Case Study Of Kabeza Site Of Kicukiro District, Kigali City, Rwanda.
- Author(s):Jean Pierre Habiyaremye1, 2*, Cush Ngonzo Luwesi3, 4*, Ugwuoti Amos Iloabuchi5, 6*
- Paper ID:IQRJ-24002007
- Volume :003
- Issue:02
- February 2024
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Author(s): Jean Pierre Habiyaremye, Cush Ngonzo Luwesi, Ugwuoti Amos Iloabuchi. Paper Title:
Estimating A Contribution Coefficient Factor On Land Parcel To Achieve The People’s Welfare And Equitable Reallocation Of Land: A Case Study Of Kabeza Site Of Kicukiro District, Kigali City, Rwanda.
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2024)3(02): pp 01-12. Vol. 003, Issue 02 02-2024, pp.089-0101
The process of land reallocation involves the assembly of all properties belonging to different landowners in a certain area, followed by a new subdivision of land into parcels and redistribution of the land to the same landowners, based on the share of each one’s land in the whole area.
To reduce conflicts, data collected from the field and the topographic survey showed that the existing situation is not well planned on the standard and indicates that the new design is well planned compared to the existing living.
From data analysis, there is no significant relationship between land reallocation and social equity/ welfare. Land reallocation as it is specifically to redistribution of the land to the initial landowners where Calculation of the contribution coefficient of landowners for the value of land occupied by public facilities, i.e. roads, canals, etc. was focused in this research and the formula has developed by Author of this Thesis to calculate Contribution Coefficient Factor (CCF) for each land.
However, there are still some serious concerns about the newly designed plan in this area. The conventional approach must be adopted to solve the problem with many conflicting criteria and constraints by applying developed formula.