IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Determining The Nutritional Status And Risk Factors For Malnutrition Amongst Children (0– 5 Years) At The Kumba Baptist Hospital In First Quarter Of 2022



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Authors: Yungseh Peter Nshiom, Atanga Desmond Funwie 2, Tchifam Berthe 3, Akah Roland Tiagha. Paper Title:
Determining The Nutritional Status And Risk Factors For Malnutrition Amongst Children (0 – 5 Years) At The Kumb Baptist Hospital In First Quarter Of 2022.IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(9): pp 01-13. Vol. 001, Issue 009, 09-2022, pp. 01781-01794


Background: The aim of this study was to determining the nutritional status and risk factors for malnutrition amongst children (0 – 5 years) at the Kumba Baptist Hospital in first quarter of 2022. Malnutrition is described as the insufficient intake of certain nutrients and the inability of the body to absorb or use these nutrients. Despite improvements in reducing the prevalence of malnutrition, the current rate of progress is not fast enough to reach the World Health Organization global target for
reducing malnutrition 40% by 2025.
Methods: The research used a cross sectional study design in which data was collected and analyzed at a given period of time. This study was carried out at the Kumba Baptist Hospital
Results: The study showed that majority of the mothers (71.25%) said their children have suffered malnutrition, follow by 23.75% who didn’t know. Lastly, only a lower proportion of them (5%) of them said No, implying that their children have never suffered from malnutrition.
Conclusion: The nutritional status of children (0 – 5) years at the Baptist Health Center Kumba is not totally observe by all the mothers. The readily exist factors causing malnutrition to children (0 – 5) years in the health center as half of the mothers attested that maternal illiteracy, low-income level and poor feeding practices can cause malnutrition