IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Changes In HB And Blood Glucose Levels Of Blood Stored In CPDA-1 Under Bonaberi Baptist Hospital Storage Conditions



Authors: Tumi Humphred Simoben1, Bongsiysi Asiatu 2, Pr Samje Moses3. Paper Title: Changes In HB And Blood Glucose Levels Of Blood Stored In CPDA-1 Under Bonaberi Baptist Hospital Storage Conditions IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j (2022)1(12): pp 01-19. Vol. 001, Issue 012 12 2022, pp. 02012-02031


The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in Haemoglobin and glucose levels of whole blood stored in CPDA-1 for a 28days storage period. The study was a longitudinal cohort study conducted using 45 healthy donors Blood for transfusion was collected from prospective male blood donors found to be in good health, aged between 18 and 52 years, with hemoglobin levels within the range of 13.5 g/dl –16 g/dl, body weight within 55 kg – 75 kg, into plastic bags containing anticoagulant CPDA-1, and handled under strict sterile condition. The blood was stored in a blood bank refrigerator with a constant temperature of 2 to 8oc under proper inspection at intervals for color, turbidity, hemolysis, and clot formation. 5ml of the sample was collected aseptically into a plain tube from the blood bag and analyzed using the ACCU-answer. Results showed significant changes in whole blood
hemoglobin and glucose from day 7 to day 28. Conclusion: It is pertinent to note that the use of CPDA-1 does not completely stop the changes in RBC as several changes occur in stored blood collectively called “storage lesions”. Therefore, it is advisable that blood should be transfused within 14 days of storage to avoid transfusion of blood products that have lost most of their content to recipients, and where possible whole blood should be processed.