IQ Research Journal-Open Access-ISSN:2790-4296

Challenges Of Chicken Production On Farmers In Mogadishu, Somalia



Authors: Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi – Soojeede1 *, Atanga Desmond Funwie2. Paper Title: Challenges Of Chicken Production On

Farmers In Mogadishu, Somalia

IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(2): pp 01-10. Vol. 001, Issue 002, 02-2022, pp. 0531-0541
Received: 17 02, 2022; Accepted: 23 02, 2022; Published: 27 02, 2022


The objective of this study was to discover the main challenges of chicken farm
production in Mogadishu, Benadir region, Somalia, The poultry farms have many
challenges which limited the profit and production in Africa, particular in Somalia. So
this study have significant role to the local chicken farmers, future poultry farm investors and policy makers or governments. Methods: The study design implemented
in the study was a cross-sectional design, with sample size of 72 out of 89 and the data
collection was structured questionnaire, and a face-to-face personal interview method.
The data analyzing and interpreting data; by using frequency tables, figures,
percentages and Descriptive statistics using SPSS version 20. Result: the results
categorized into three sections the Feeds, diseases and other challenges, each has sub
variables that respondents asked concerned challenges of chicken faced by Somali
farmers. Feed: Lack of availability of feeds were Agreed (20.8% strongly agree and
37.5% agree) with average mean of 3.38 out 5, and SD 1.699, and the respondents
strongly agreed that there is high price of chicken feeds, with (20.8 strongly agree &
20.8% agreed) with mean score 2.33 out 5 and SD 1.289. Disease: Diseases challenges
of chicken diseases and health with mean score 2.00 out of 5 and SD 1.007, respondents answered that there occurrence of chicken diseases, were common in chicken farms with 41.7% strongly agreed and 25.0% agreed. And the respondent strongly agreed and agree (41.7% and 22.2% respectively) chicken farmers lack of biosecurity measures such cleaning, and disinfection with mean score mean 2.15 out of 5 and SD 1.218. Other challenges: 47.2% of respondent was agreed and strongly agreed that there lack of facilities like electricity and water with mean score 2.57 out of 5 and SD 1.432, and Climate change related issues includes drought, water shortages and variation of temperature also exists and 66.6% of respondents accepted (20.8% agree and 45.8% strongly agree) with mean score 2.04 out 5 and SD 1.180. Recommendation: must make collaboration of community association, government and internal agencies to mitigate those challenges faced by the chicken farmers, Government must make financial and emotional supports to the chicken farmers and local traditional chicken backyards to increase their product.