- Call For Papers January 2025
- editor@iqresearchjournal.com
- ISSN:2790-4296
- ISBN:978-9956-504-74-9
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Assessing The Knowledge Of Healthcare Workers In Kumba Health District, South West Region Of Cameroon On Clinical Waste Management
- Author(s):Yungseh Peter N1, Tatoh Adeline M2.* Atanga D. Funwie3
- Paper ID:IQRJ-2201007
- Volume :001
- Issue:001
- January 2022
- ISSN: 2790-4296(Online)
- ISBN: 978-9956-504-74-9(Print)
Authors Name. toh Adeline M1 , Acho Alphonse 2*,Valantine N. Ndze 3* Atanga D. Funwie4*Paper Title Gestational Hypertension, A Concern In Women Attending Antenatal Care In The South West Region Of
IQ Research Journal of IQ res. j. (2022)1(1): pp 01-10. Vol. 001, Issue 001, 01-2022, pp. 062-074
Received: 01 12, 2021; Accepted: 20 01, 2022; Published: 27 01, 2022
In the recent years clinical waste has emerged as an issue of concern not only to hospitals, nursing home authorities but also to the environment. The clinical waste generated from health care units depends upon a number of factors such as healthcare staff knowledge on waste management. The proper management of this waste has become a problem worldwide. Many studies across the world have shown that there are still deficiencies in the knowledge of the health care professionals in the
organizations on waste management. Hence, a cross sectional study was carried out in Kumba health district to assess the knowledge of healthcare providers regarding clinical waste management. Ten health units of the district were used for the study considering health workers involved in waste management. Following Taro Yemene formula, we included (n=212) participants in our study. The number of health personnel was selected by simple random sampling in their respective health units. A pretested self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of the health personnel regarding clinical waste management. Overall, the knowledge of healthcare workers towards clinical waste management was fairly satisfactory and needed to be updated.